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> How To > Use Waiting Lists

How to Use Waiting Lists

Waiting lists are a great way to keep your sessions full as well as help gauge the demand for a class. You can also email people on a waiting list informing them of new upcoming sessions, or to give them priority booking.

Waiting lists can be enabled when creating your sessions by expanding the Waiting List section, and turning on Enable Waiting List.

How it works

When Max. Capacity for your class is reached, a Join Waiting List button will be shown to customers which when clicked allows the user to add themselves and/or children to the list. One customer can add multiple names at once (i.e. their children) which go into the waiting list as one entry, so you can see who's grouped together.

If a space opens up on the class (cancellation or Max. Capacity increased) and there are people waiting for a place on the list, the general public will still see the class as 'Fully Booked'. You can then invite people from your waiting list to take the spaces available.

When viewing your bookings or editing your class you'll see a summary of the waiting list...

Here we can see there are 5 people waiting to be invited (waiting), 3 people who've had an invite but haven't yet booked (pending), making a total of 8 entries on the list.

If you click the button you will bring up the list and be able to see the full details.

A typical entry might look like this...

... where we can see that a user has added two names to the list.

To the right there are two buttons - an Invite button and a Remove button. Clicking these buttons will bring up an actions panel at the top of the list...

When you've chosen which actions you'd like to take on the chosen entries, click the Go button to put it in motion.

Clicking on an entry in the waiting list will reveal further information...


People who have been invited to take remaining spaces will receive an email containing a special link which they must use in order to accept the space. The link is unique to them and will remind them of who the spaces are intended for (in this case Jenny and Toby). If there are fewer spaces available than people invited, the customer will have to choose who to take the space.


You may want to remove people from the list if they've taken too long to take action on the invite and you'd like to invite someone else to use the space available instead.

People who are removed from the list will not be notified.

Email People on the List

You may wish to contact people on a waiting list, for example if you'd like to offer priority booking to people who couldn't get on the last class.

Whilst viewing the waiting list, clicking the Send Email to List button will bring up the form to send an email. You have the choice to send the message to the following groups of people on the list:

  • Unconverted Only
    Your email will be sent to everybody on the list who hasn't made a booking as a result of being sent an invite for available spaces.
  • Converted Only
    Your email will be sent to everybody on the list who has been sent an invite and booked onto the class as a result.
  • Everyone On List
    Your email will be sent to everyone on the list.

Recipients of your email will not be able to see who else received the message.

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