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> How To > Create Custom Fields

How to Create Custom Fields

If you'd like to ask for additional information on your attendees (Age, D.O.B., Photo Consent, Medical Info etc) you can create Custom Fields which are presented to your customers upon booking. The fields are attached to the attendee rather than the booking, so although the fields will be shown each time a booking is made, they will be pre-filled with any previous responses, allowing the customer to review the information each time and ensure information is up to date.

You can also create private fields, which are to be filled in by yourself and not visible to your customers. These are useful if you need to do things like keep track of which grade / skill level a customer has achieved.

The responses to Custom Fields can be found when viewing a booking, as well as in the various reports available in the system.

To create a Custom Field, head over to Setup > Custom Fields.
Clicking the button will bring up the form where you can enter the details for the new field.

Form Fields


This is the text that appears above the field. i.e. question that the customer sees.

Bookable Specific

It may be the case that a Custom Field is only relevant to certain types of session. For example, you may need to know whether customers attending the dance session have any physical notes, whereas this may not be the case for drama sessions.

In this case you would turn the Bookable Specific option on, and after saving the Custom Field, attach it to the relevant classes. If the Custom Field is relevant to sessions belonging to a term, simply edit the term's Term Group, alternatively, if this Custom Field should only show for individually booked sessions, edit the relevant Session Template.
You will find the Custom Fields option in the Advanced section of those forms.

Input Type

How this field should be presented. You can choose from the following types...

  • Text
    A single-line text-box.
  • Number
    Allows only numeric digits to be entered (no spaces or letters of the alphabet).
  • Checkbox
    A checkbox.
  • Option Dropdown
    The answer is to be chosen from a pre-defined list of options that you've entered.
  • Date
    Displays a date picker.

Customer Facing

If this option is turned on, customers will fill this field in when they make a booking. If they've previously entered this information, the fields will be pre-filled with their answers from last time.
You are able to view the answers supplied but cannot edit them.

If this option is turned off, only you will be able to view and edit this field. Viewing a booking will bring up the Custom Fields where you can enter the relevant information. You can also see answers to custom fields in the list of bookings by enabling the 'Show In Bookings List' option below.


Whether this field should be displayed. As Custom Fields cannot be deleted, set this to off if you no longer need a field.


If turned on, a customer must fill this field in. If the field's Input Type is set to Checkbox the customer must check the box in order to continue - useful if you'd like your customers to acknowledge something.

Show In Bookings List

When viewing a list of bookings you may want to see critical information at a glance. By enabling this option, the answers to this custom field will be displayed in the list of bookings for each attendee.

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