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> How To > Allow Childcare Payments

How to Allow Childcare Payments

To enable payment via tax-free credits or childcare vouchers, head over to Setup > Company & Account > Childcare Payments section.

When enabled, customers will be presented with a checkbox at the basket stage of checkout, which will allow them to pay via Childcare Vouchers / Tax-Free Credits.

When the box is checked, some customisable instructional text will be displayed to the customer, along with a list of the Childcare Providers you're registered with and the Reference that the customer can use to find your business when making payment via the Provider.

In order to confirm bookings, the customer will first to need provide proof that they've made payment via a Childcare Provider. This would usually be in the form of a screenshot showing a payment confirmation email or payment confirmation screen. Alternatively a text box is provided so that any other form of proof can be provided.

Bookings made with Childcare payments will be easily identifiable in your Dashboard and flagged as Unpaid. If you're satisfied that the supplied proof is sufficient, or when the payment is received from the provider, you can easily reconcile the payment by heading to Data > Unpaid where you can view a list of unpaid orders and quickly settle them as paid, or by viewing the booking and clicking the basket button.

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